Free Instagram influencer Search Tool

Find Instagram influencers to collaborate with. Search for any brand to find the Instagram influencers they work with.

Get more search options with Storyclash
the leading influencer search tool for brands & marketers

Storyclash is the all-in-one Influencer marketing platform for brands and agencies. Advanced search options powered by AI make it easier than ever to find the perfect influencers.

See how it works Request a demo

Find brand-fit influencers in seconds with the power of AI

Browse through every Influencer active on Instagram and use the power of AI to zoom in on creators that share your values and interests. Search for keywords, hashtags, mentions and swipe up links in posts and stories, and receive personalized recommendations based on your brands’ needs. It's almost too easy.

  • Filter based on location, language, gender, follower size, and engagement
  • Access KPIs like media value, reach, and engagement for every influencer
  • Discover fast-growing influencers in your niche with the "hidden gems" feature
  • Find lookalike influencers similar to your top performers
  • Receive personalized influencer recommendations

  • Learn more

Leading brands use Storyclash
to find Instagram Influencers

We use Storyclash in every aspect of an influencer campaign, and we wouldn't be able to deliver the same high quality without their analysis & content tools. You are 10 steps behind in your influencer strategy if you have not seen the power of Storyclash. Read more
Martin Kalasho
Influencer Marketing & Collab Brand Manager
Storyclash has become an integral part of influencer marketing. You pulled me in with the brand collaborations feature, evaluating competitor campaigns has never been that easy. Read more
Martina Schuhmacher
Influencer Marketing Manager
With Storyclash, I can easily analyze how successful my influencer campaigns were. I like the easy way of creating a report and getting a quick overview of the campaigns. Read more
Jacklyn Odenbreit
Social Media Manager

See how easy it is to find the perfect Influencers with Storyclash

Let’s take your Influencer marketing to the next level.
Request a demo today to see Storyclash in action.

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